Whether you are completely new to family history or a seasoned veteran, there are plenty of books on the market to help you with your genealogy research. These the top selling genealogy research books on Amazon.ca:
#1 bestseller on Amazon.ca: Unofficial Guide to Ancestry.com: How to Find Your Family History on the No. 1 Genealogy Website
The author, Nancy Hendrickson, writes the popular Ancestor News blog. This book is guide to getting the most out of the World’s largest genealogy website. It takes a detailed look at all of the site’s historical record collections as well as showing you how to make the most of the Search function and how to make the best use of Ancestry’s card catalogue. The book also gives tips on creating and managing your Ancestry family tree.
This book was originally published in 2014 and and has now been updated and expanded. In 2017, Ms Hendrickson published a companion volume to this guide: Unofficial Ancestry.com Workbook: A How-To Manual for Tracing Your Family Tree on the #1 Genealogy Website This book contains tutorials, worksheets and forms so that you can plan your Ancestry searches more effectively.
Genealogy notebook: 127 ancestor data sheets, name index, genealogical table for 7 generations, research log, to-do list, and plenty of room for notes
This book is a notebook containing individual data sheets for 127 ancestors enabling you to record vital information about your ancestors such as birth dates and places, marriages, children, dates of death and burial places. The idea of the notebook is to help you organise your research and to help you create a family tree. If you do not use an online tree or tree building software on your computer, then this book may be useful to you.
Tracing Your Pre-Victorian Ancestors: A Guide to Research Methods for Family Historians
It is usually relatively easy to trace your ancestors back to the start of civil registration in the early 19th Century through census and vital records. But, unless your family was wealthy or aristocratic, it is much more difficult to get back any further to a time before it was compulsory to register births, marriages and deaths. This book, with a focus on Great Britain, gives practical steps on how to research and make best use of the records that are available before civil registration.
Unofficial Guide to FamilySearch.org: How to Find Your Family History on the Largest Free Genealogy Website
Family Search, run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormon Church), is the largest (mostly) free genealogy resource site on the web, and new records are added constantly. This book is designed to help you make the most of the site, showing you how to make the most of records from the US, Canada, Europe and other countries. It gives you tips on how to extract information from records that aren’t searchable as well tips on starting and maintaining an online tree. It also contains worksheets and checklists to help you track your research progress.
How to Use FindAGrave.com for Genealogy Research
This low cost, Kindle only book, is a guide to getting the most out of grave websites, especially Find A Grave.
Genealogy: Essential Research Methods
This book is essential reading for anyone who is taking family history seriously and is often a set book in genealogy courses. The author, Helen Osborne, is a professional genealogist and through examples from her own work, she shows you how professionals get results. She also demonstrates how to build research plans, find the right documents and get the most from them, record and organize your results and present your findings. Although the focus is on England and Wales, the lessons learnt from this book can be applied anywhere.
Finding Your Canadian Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide
The focus with this comprehensive book is definitely on Canadian records with chapters on each province as well as sections on vital, cemetery, military, land records etc. The book looks at government and church records as well as records relating to special groups such as First Nations and Arcadians. It looks at online as well as archival records. The book was published in 2007, so much of the online material discussed will be out of date, but the book is probably still useful in showing what records are available for research.
Ontario Genealogical Society 12-Book Bundle: Conserving, Preserving, and Restoring Your Heritage / Genealogical Standards of Evidence / and 10 more (Genealogist’s Reference Shelf)
This Kindle only edition is a 12 book bundle from the Ontario Genealogical Society covering different aspects of research in Ontario as well as guides to the laws of inheritance, conducting research and publishing a family history.
Trace Your German Roots Online: A Complete Guide to German Genealogy Websites
This book will be of interest to anyone with German ancestry and is a companion guide to the author’s earlier work The Family Tree German Genealogy Guide.
This newer work looks at the well known sites such as Ancestry and Family Search and also less popular sites that may be new to the reader. It gives tips on how to find and use German databases as well as guidance for German research websites and help with some translation. It also contains worksheets and guides.
Family History Trippin’ – A Guide to Planning a Genealogy Research Trip
Family history research trips or ancestral tourism is becoming a major growth sector in the tourism industry as people go in search of their roots. This Kindle only book is a guide to planning your own trip.
Find Lots more great genealogy books in our Resources section here.
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